I can tell that our history period is going to be a huge hit. We are covering American History, beginning at about 1800. Today we started a book about Daniel Boone together and Caleb is reading on his own about Davy Crockett. Tonight we will begin Little House in the Big Woods as our read-aloud.
Caleb is doing Apologia Science Zoology 1 and already "made me" read more than I had scheduled. He is a HUGE lover of science.
Allie will be reading several books this term, but she really loved the first couple of chapters in Ruth Beechick's Adam and His Kin . She is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her Spanish program. We chose The Easy Spanish. It looks like great fun and is CM friendly!
We were finished with our studies by noon and now the day is ours to enjoy as we wish (okay, the kids will *enjoy* and I will do laundry).